Constant and Readily Available Supply
The Medical oxygen Plant allows users to generate their own oxygen for their medical-grade requirements like EMS (Emergency Medical Services), Ambulance, Fire Departments, Small Hospitals, Clinics, Nursing Homes, Veterinary & Animal Hospitals, Dental labs and SCUBA applications. The plant has inbuilt oxygen cylinder filling plant that uses Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology.
Plant is mounted over platform and acquires less space, only a simple mounting of plant, and plugging it in to a standard electrical outlet, you can generate your own medical-grade oxygen to fill your own cylinders on-site. Within minutes, you can have emergency oxygen available for any increase in unexpected demand. Never run out of oxygen ever again!
Quality and Safety Designed
The plants may be small, but don’t let the little size fool you! The Plants contains a rich history of using the highest level of manufacturing engineering expertise in its design. Theplants are self-contained and operates very quietly. These quality components all work together to regulate the flow of oxygen cleanly and safely throughout operation. Oxygen plants are designed to run automatically and requires little or no maintenance once it is up and running. With a digital color touch screen display, the unit shows all the information required to monitor the manufacturing process of oxygen. system performs a continuous series of self-diagnostic tests as it runs. Should an issue arise such as drop in oxygen purity; the plant will automatically shut down and display a visual alarm on screen. There is an optional audible alarm available as well.