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Kullanıcı: wawedqwe12

Üyelik zamanı: 2 yıl (20, Haziran, 2022)
Tür: Kayıtlı kullanıcı
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Hakkında: A Backup Battery Unit, or uninterruptible power supply (UPS), is primarily used to provide a backup power source to important desktop computer hardware components. In most cases, those pieces of hardware include the main computer housing and the monitor, but other devices can be plugged into a UPS for backup power, depending on the size of the UPS.

What Does a Battery Backup Do?

In addition to acting as a backup when the power goes out, most battery backup devices also act as power "conditioners" by ensuring that the electricity flowing to your computer and accessories is free from drops or surges. If a computer isn't receiving a consistent flow of electricity, damage can and often does occur.

While a UPS system isn't required for a complete computer system, including one is always recommended. The need for a reliable electricity supply is often overlooked and not fully realized until damage has occurred.

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